For CDP users, it will be 17 December. For Moomoo users, it is usually 1 business day slower (may take up to 3 working days) so you can expect it on 18 December.
The reason for the difference is because for CDP users, the dividends go directly into the person’s bank account. For Moomoo users, Moomoo will receive the dividends on behalf as a custodian. Moomoo will then take some time to process and distribute the respective dividends accordingly. Hope this explanation helps
Anthony tan81 : y moomoo is a 1 day after the payment day
so for moomoo will be 18 Dec
chinchilla6 : tomorrow will get?
Anthony tan81 chinchilla6 : yeah
NIMOH : For CDP users, it will be 17 December. For Moomoo users, it is usually 1 business day slower (may take up to 3 working days) so you can expect it on 18 December.
The reason for the difference is because for CDP users, the dividends go directly into the person’s bank account. For Moomoo users, Moomoo will receive the dividends on behalf as a custodian. Moomoo will then take some time to process and distribute the respective dividends accordingly. Hope this explanation helps