The Carpenter : You might be right, they will try and pull it down more going onto the end of the week.
70566874 OP The Carpenter : i change my mind if it goes up to 22 at the end of this week, buy in double if reach 22
itsgoodinmysoul 70566874 OP : Buy in double tonight ,
杨羊羊 : seems to be holding over $19.40 just fine. I bought into 20.30 for breakout yesterday still holding
Contender : when you think is game over and sell off then it
The Carpenter : You might be right, they will try and pull it down more going onto the end of the week.
70566874 OP The Carpenter : i change my mind if it goes up to 22 at the end of this week, buy in double if reach 22
itsgoodinmysoul 70566874 OP : Buy in double tonight ,
杨羊羊 : seems to be holding over $19.40 just fine. I bought into 20.30 for breakout yesterday still holding
Contender : when you think is game over and sell off then it