104803845 : but sir, it is doing the absolute opposite of what you said.
EZ_commander OP 104803845 : Newbie, tell me what’s the time of market open? New to here? Welcome
104803845 EZ_commander OP : We will see how it is.
Nisdey EZ_commander OP : it's 09:30 EST
104803845 EZ_commander OP : Oldbie, I am still waiting for it to dump, market had opened.
101816801 : I’m waiting too. What happened to the Hint!
104803845 EZ_commander OP : Literally shaking with my "shorts"
EZ_commander OP : Ah yes, I knew you guys will come back when it pumped
EZ_commander OP : Let’s see, better don’t dissapear like the grasshopper later
104803845 EZ_commander OP : haha sure, I don't even hold Bitcoin. But trend is trend
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104803845 : but sir, it is doing the absolute opposite of what you said.
EZ_commander OP 104803845 : Newbie, tell me what’s the time of market open? New to here? Welcome
104803845 EZ_commander OP : We will see how it is.
Nisdey EZ_commander OP : it's 09:30 EST
104803845 EZ_commander OP : Oldbie, I am still waiting for it to dump, market had opened.
101816801 : I’m waiting too. What happened to the Hint!
104803845 EZ_commander OP : Literally shaking with my "shorts"
EZ_commander OP : Ah yes, I knew you guys will come back when it pumped
EZ_commander OP : Let’s see, better don’t dissapear like the grasshopper later
104803845 EZ_commander OP : haha sure, I don't even hold Bitcoin. But trend is trend
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