Analyzing the current market dynamics, the downtrend seems to be more prevalent. Overcoming such losses often needs a positive catalyst, which remains absent. Such downturns usually require time to recover, promoting cautious trading. On the brighter side, inflationary concerns are less intense than last year. As inflation subsides and the economy slows, the FED is likely to introduce more supportive measures, potentially ushering in a period of significant gains. Presently, the growth sector has been in a bearish phase since February 2021, leading many to exit due to either losses or sheer exhaustion.
ConstantinoSakamoto : Investrader xD.
For me to avoid missing out the turning point of economic. Good to have mixtures of long & short term in the portfolio.
Nigel Chong 庄证评 OP ConstantinoSakamoto : So you are trading and investing at the same time? What is the allocation to investment and trading?
lightfoot : I don't support the feds raising finance rates supportive more like decentives slowing growth. Growth Stimulates and consumers are the regulators not Feds.. It is called Supply n Demand and the libs and Foghorn Longhorn Biden screwed the supply side creating a drop in sales across the world. Creating explosive demands. Shipping held up in harbors full of products. How quickly we overlook Biden's left wing communist ideology . it is enough to battle all these Biden windfalls and incompetence. I am beginning to believe Congress should take over all economic policies and someone destroy Executive Powers. We are ridiculous. There is no Govermment management from the neck up from the waist down, yes.
Nigel Chong 庄证评 OP lightfoot : Thanks for you wonderful opinion