helpful Hare_2999 : the show just started. dun worry
XSpace : Bears are bound to lose their shirts in the end.
Meikayuri : top up now bro
XSpace Meikayuri :
helpful Hare_2999 : will be consolidate around this range now before the next surge
adrian2188 OP : Is ok. I go play with VHAI first..
XSpace : @adrian2188 Stop while you can. The more you bet, the greater the chance of losing it all.
helpful Hare_2999 : if u scare dun buy, if u buy dun scare
adrian2188 OP : Ya.. I dont buy maxeon.. I short it
XSpace adrian2188 OP : @adrian2188 Stop while you can. The more you bet, the greater the chance of losing it all.
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helpful Hare_2999 : the show just started. dun worry
XSpace : Bears are bound to lose their shirts in the end.
Meikayuri : top up now bro
XSpace Meikayuri :
helpful Hare_2999 : will be consolidate around this range now before the next surge
adrian2188 OP : Is ok. I go play with VHAI first..
XSpace : @adrian2188 Stop while you can. The more you bet, the greater the chance of losing it all.
helpful Hare_2999 : if u scare dun buy, if u buy dun scare
adrian2188 OP : Ya.. I dont buy maxeon.. I short it
XSpace adrian2188 OP : @adrian2188 Stop while you can. The more you bet, the greater the chance of losing it all.
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