be patient on your entry zoom out and find support levels buy near support, buy low as possible sell high, buy little bit at a time don't go all in on anything this way you have spare cash to cost average down. don't chase highs.
Buzz killington : How do you access that calendar?
NewBB : How do you say?
Olin Lewis : Okay
Sunshinenay : .
marvin007 : Following
skyre5 : .
EZ_money : it had some big volatility took many by surprise still a good month focus on the money not the negatives
NoobMaster_69 : I'm new to this trading, can you assist me bro? almost everyday is a red day here
EZ_money NoobMaster_69 : be patient on your entry zoom out and find support levels buy near support, buy low as possible sell high, buy little bit at a time don't go all in on anything this way you have spare cash to cost average down. don't chase highs.
EZ_money NoobMaster_69 : learn to play both ways also.
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