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Maybank and Funding Societies: The Ultimate 'Loan-rangers' Team-Up!

Alright folks, get ready because Maybank just dropped some big news that’s shaking things up in the fintech world! Picture this: Maybank, Malaysia’s financial heavyweight, is like that friend who decides to join a trendy startup but on a bigger scale. They just announced they’re investing in **Funding Societies**, a fintech company that’s out here playing matchmaker for small businesses and much-needed funds.

Now, what does this mean? Well, Maybank is essentially saying, “Hey, small businesses, we see you! And we’re going to help you secure the bag.” Maybank’s CEO, Datuk Khairussaleh Ramli, is out here talking about "synergies" and "financial inclusion" like he’s trying to sound both humble and like a financial superhero at the same time. Basically, they’re teaming up with Funding Societies to help SMEs—aka the small guys who keep asking for a seat at the big table.

The best part? Maybank is being all mysterious about the money. Yeah, they announced this huge partnership, but when asked about the financial details, they were like, “No comment.” It’s like showing up to a party in a fancy car but refusing to tell anyone how much you paid for it.

Funding Societies, by the way, has already loaned out **17 billion ringgit** to SMEs across Southeast Asia. That's right, they’re like the Oprah of business loans— "You get a loan! And you get a loan!" And with Maybank's new involvement, they’re gearing up to help even more.

Maybank says this move is part of their "M25+ strategy," which sounds like the name of a top-secret mission. Spoiler alert: It's all about going digital and pretending the bank’s not a giant corporate dinosaur trying to keep up with the tech-savvy millennials and Gen Zs.

But in the end, it’s all about making the financial world a little more human, according to Maybank. So, will they really make banking feel like less of a cold, robotic experience? Stay tuned. But for now, they’re definitely doing their part to keep the fintech party going!
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  • PokaiTrader : I think this move frees them from regulatory "shackles" and allows more risk taking without direct exposure. the regional play also affords inroads into new markets. remains to be seen how this turns out.