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$MBSB (1171.MY)$ Is it worth buying for long-term? 😂

$MBSB (1171.MY)$ Is it worth buying for long-term? 😂
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  • 身骑白马 : I can't recommend it to you if it's worth it, but if I have money, I just added it, didn't sell it, collect interest, and wait for the future[undefined]

  • 103128768 : Big gap before and after dividend. You can gained a lot if know how to play.

  • 103988273 OP 103128768 : So what price is suitable to buy?[undefined]

  • 快快乐乐 : I have also been holding for a long time. The share price difference and dividends are around 19% in a year

  • 103438746 快快乐乐 : Will 19% be this much? I haven't bought many stocks, and there are many things I don't know

  • 103988273 OP 103438746 : I'm still a newbie, but after watching him pay more than 10% in 2023, the payout may make a profit

  • 快快乐乐 103438746 : You can go to Fb Mercury Wealth Management Notes. Mercury Bears have amazing performance in collecting dividends in value investments

  • 快快乐乐 : I will sell for a relatively higher return. If the stock price falls, I will buy more shares to gradually turn the holding positions into free shares. Holding must be based on future business and prospects. This is not suitable for those who love to trade quickly. This is a personal opinion, not investment advice. Pay attention to your risk management.

  • 103988273 OP 快快乐乐 : Does this mean that they will use the low price to make up the warehouse and eat the rest of the price?

  • 快快乐乐 103988273 OP : Understandable. When it reached a record high, I sold part of the 30% profit to make a difference in price. If 0.9++ I sell a part, I buy a part back at 0.8 o'clock. The 0.1 difference allows me to buy more tickets and get dividends. Mainly, the company also has future business and prospects. Make long-term investments. I used to be Xiaobai. I didn't know how to get the relative profit; I just kept buying and holding, so I only saw book income. After doing this, although the average price will be higher, there will be more votes. Also pay attention to companies with generous dividends and companies with future business prospects. This is my personal operation.

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