-小刀锯大树- : It's strange to suddenly plummet.
Ksui93 : affected with the e-coli news.
74355102 OP -小刀锯大树- : There may be more than one person dead. But as long as it's not more than 5 people, it shouldn't exceed 10%, right?
74355102 OP Ksui93 : 昨天收盘前就已经有报导了。
-小刀锯大树- 74355102 OP : It shouldn't be that serious.
-小刀锯大树- : It's strange to suddenly plummet.
Ksui93 : affected with the e-coli news.
74355102 OP -小刀锯大树- : There may be more than one person dead. But as long as it's not more than 5 people, it shouldn't exceed 10%, right?
74355102 OP Ksui93 : 昨天收盘前就已经有报导了。
-小刀锯大树- 74355102 OP : It shouldn't be that serious.