TerribleInvestor : Don’t worry bro, just hold
Simon 5183 TerribleInvestor : There is no need to worry. Yesterday's news reported an upward trend in mortgage interest rates
TerribleInvestor Simon 5183 : Why would interest rates be rising when the feds just cut rates recently??
APOLO OP : I like to share stocks b4 fly...anyone got see stocks want to fly.. Also can share to me
TerribleInvestor : Don’t worry bro, just hold
Simon 5183 TerribleInvestor : There is no need to worry. Yesterday's news reported an upward trend in mortgage interest rates
TerribleInvestor Simon 5183 : Why would interest rates be rising when the feds just cut rates recently??
APOLO OP : I like to share stocks b4 fly...anyone got see stocks want to fly.. Also can share to me