102519322 : according to him, this is 10x stock
Oon KZ : now how many times?
COWmustMoo : 10x from HKD 40 did go up to hkd400 in 2021/2022...then slide down to hkd 60.. then fly up ton100-120..then fly again to 215 ...then fall again.. so hkd60 x ??
102519322 COWmustMoo : he said it during 2023, when I was in his GMT. it was 135. then dropped to 80
Oon KZ : What stock he said got reach 10 times?
102519322 : according to him, this is 10x stock
Oon KZ : now how many times?
COWmustMoo : 10x from HKD 40 did go up to hkd400 in 2021/2022...then slide down to hkd 60.. then fly up ton100-120..then fly again to 215 ...then fall again.. so hkd60 x ??
102519322 COWmustMoo : he said it during 2023, when I was in his GMT. it was 135. then dropped to 80
Oon KZ : What stock he said got reach 10 times?