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Mental information about steel (important)

The other day, I shared data that corporate CEOs do not predict a recession, but this time...
The correlation between this data and stock prices was quite strong in data on whether companies mentioned the recession in the 2024 Q2 financial results, so I'll share it
Mental information about steel (important)
Here is data showing the number of times companies mentioned the recession in financial results for each quarterly financial result, and there are quite few mentions this time, which is quite a low level even from the past 5 year average
The important thing starts here...
Mentions from Q1 to 2020 increased in Q1 and 2022, and companies mentioned the economic recession at a fairly high level until Q3, so let's take a look at SP500 and SOXL to see what happened in the quarter where mentions were increasing based on that
Mental information about steel (important)
Mental information about steel (important)
Like this, the quarter where many companies mentioned a recession in financial results correlated brilliantly and stock prices fell
I felt that the data was too useful, so I shared it
This is not a phase to worry about a recession, and I think companies don't predict or mention a recession precisely because they have profit growth and good prospects, so I personally think it's a scene where they are riding the waves
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    SOXL、TSLL、マイニング株で中長期でまずは資産1億目指しているものです┏○ペコッ 鋼のメンタルは客観的データに基づくもの