73372627 : Merry Chrismans to you also. We will start soon the celebrations and we have snow.
Starrystarry : Tp?
Mysteriooo OP 73372627 : I’m jealous Malaysia was lies on equator
Mysteriooo OP Starrystarry : What is Tp?
73372627 Mysteriooo OP : Do not be jealouse, I will like your climate instead the -15C now. Is nice to see outside from the windows but not in the midle outside.
73372627 : Merry Chrismans to you also. We will start soon the celebrations and we have snow.
Starrystarry : Tp?
Mysteriooo OP 73372627 : I’m jealous Malaysia was lies on equator
Mysteriooo OP Starrystarry : What is Tp?
73372627 Mysteriooo OP : Do not be jealouse, I will like your climate instead the -15C now. Is nice to see outside from the windows but not in the midle outside.