子轩给好运 : Bloody hell. Great earning become red , nonsense.
rational Ibex_9813 OP 子轩给好运 : This is like another Google man. Beat revenue estimates and stock dropped 10%
MoDoaya : What in the world this means??
tkhan : ridiculous
子轩给好运 rational Ibex_9813 OP : Google is straight down Nv green b4 but meta is as high as 316. Now 300. Wtf
子轩给好运 Qzhao : Regret no sell just now
rational Ibex_9813 OP 子轩给好运 : It swings from low 283 to high 320. I think ppl expects a lot from tech firm.
子轩给好运 : Bloody hell. Great earning become red , nonsense.
rational Ibex_9813 OP 子轩给好运 : This is like another Google man. Beat revenue estimates and stock dropped 10%
MoDoaya : What in the world this means??
tkhan : ridiculous
子轩给好运 rational Ibex_9813 OP : Google is straight down Nv green b4 but meta is as high as 316. Now 300. Wtf
子轩给好运 Qzhao : Regret no sell just now
rational Ibex_9813 OP 子轩给好运 : It swings from low 283 to high 320. I think ppl expects a lot from tech firm.