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$Metaplanet (3350.JP)$ It is good that the decline has stopp...

$Metaplanet (3350.JP)$ It is good that the decline has stopped, but I think the rise will only be short-term unless bitcoin is periodically increased. Microstrategy is almost linked to bitcoin, ignoring earnings.
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  • StreetLife : For now, please check Metapura's mass ownership report.

    I think you can see the changes in the shareholding ratio of the largest shareholder...

  • Nya7 OP StreetLife : Of course I'm watching! I think at least 4 times the current 1000 is necessary in order to link to Bitcoin! However, I suddenly know that it is impossible, so I think it is necessary to buy more on a regular basis so that shareholders can follow suit.

  • StreetLife : is that so? That's because each person has a different way of capturing it 👍

    Which is right or wrong when it comes to investing, so you should follow the path you believe in 😃

    I hope it goes up ⤴️

  • Nya7 OP StreetLife : Well 😆 Since Bitcoin is about 50% or more of about 2.2 trillion yen compared to the total market value of 4 trillion yen in microstrategy, I think it will become an investment target on a long-term perspective as it is close to 50% in terms of ratio.
    In the short term, the current situation can only be a target for speculation.

米株中心🇺🇸日本株は現在メタプラのみ! iDeCoとNISA積み立て枠で将来を確保しつつ こっそりFIREも狙ってます🔥