105309392 : If it can reach 2.80 today….I will invest 100m
xiaokang0502 OP 105309392 : 佛祖同样你的回答
105561179 105309392 : Why wait until 2.80 only invest?
xiaokang0502 OP 105309392 : 你试试看放0.27看会不会起
105309392 105561179 : Need to see it over take resistance or not…
105309392 xiaokang0502 OP : Wait for resistance
xiaokang0502 OP 105309392 : 一样
潇洒的少爷 105561179 : I'm selling 1 lot at 0.36 per share, are you interested? It's breaking through resistance levels a lot.
Losing Screw : Problem is everyone who get allotted only intend to sell at max 0.275 which is the target price given by m+. Can't expect it to move up in short term.
105449251-momo 105309392 : buy lwsabah lai lai
105309392 : If it can reach 2.80 today….I will invest 100m
xiaokang0502 OP 105309392 : 佛祖同样你的回答
105561179 105309392 : Why wait until 2.80 only invest?
xiaokang0502 OP 105309392 : 你试试看放0.27看会不会起
105309392 105561179 : Need to see it over take resistance or not…
105309392 xiaokang0502 OP : Wait for resistance
xiaokang0502 OP 105309392 : 一样
潇洒的少爷 105561179 : I'm selling 1 lot at 0.36 per share, are you interested? It's breaking through resistance levels a lot.
Losing Screw : Problem is everyone who get allotted only intend to sell at max 0.275 which is the target price given by m+. Can't expect it to move up in short term.
105449251-momo 105309392 : buy lwsabah lai lai