CCY1314 : How do I know?
辉爷 OP CCY1314 : base on chart
105267143kls : How many people will attend the meeting?
CCY1314 : What if it goes up and falls again?
辉爷 OP : if closed below 0225 then will not up
Casey Tkc CCY1314 : It's also difficult to sell after raising the price.
104945923 : difficult to buy and difficult to sell?
辉爷 OP CCY1314 :
辉爷 OP 辉爷 OP : run
CCY1314 : How do I know?
辉爷 OP CCY1314 : base on chart
105267143kls : How many people will attend the meeting?
CCY1314 : What if it goes up and falls again?
辉爷 OP : if closed below 0225 then will not up
Casey Tkc CCY1314 : It's also difficult to sell after raising the price.
104945923 : difficult to buy and difficult to sell?
辉爷 OP CCY1314 :
辉爷 OP 辉爷 OP : run