86866 OP : Time to Buy not to Sell !!
86866 OP : There’s no need to panic , the short sellers are creating unnecessary fear and panic . . .
86866 OP : There is no negative news at the moment , why panic selling ??
86866 OP : It’s the best time to accumulate more shares now . . .
70844100 : Nobody knows who you are
The Dude81 :
The Dude81 70844100 : another short most likely
IDKWTFIMDOING The Dude81 : If he was a short, he'd want you to panic sell. Think about it.
Chuddy : sir, i will be doing the buying
The Dude81 IDKWTFIMDOING : haha don't think too hard about it
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86866 OP : Time to Buy not to Sell !!
86866 OP : There’s no need to panic , the short sellers are creating unnecessary fear and panic . . .
86866 OP : There is no negative news at the moment , why panic selling ??
86866 OP : It’s the best time to accumulate more shares now . . .
70844100 : Nobody knows who you are
The Dude81 :
The Dude81 70844100 : another short most likely
IDKWTFIMDOING The Dude81 : If he was a short, he'd want you to panic sell. Think about it.
Chuddy : sir, i will be doing the buying
The Dude81 IDKWTFIMDOING : haha don't think too hard about it
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