you do understand that individuals default on payments and loans all the time right a firm is a buy now pay later when the consumer gets tapped there's a saying you can't get water from a rock they default you know who suffers people that have loan them money. the firm's up because of Bank of America they put an upgrade on the company that's it
Shroomie : affirm isn't profitable. go to $SoFi Technologies (SOFI.US)$ They raised guidance of eps 300% and revenue
NoFun Shroomie : U think Sofi could raise to 8.5 in a week ?
Shroomie NoFun : I don't know, man.... the stock is a short magnet. Need a dovish Powell tomorrow to break thru the 200 sma at 8
Shroomie NoFun : Sofi will benefit from rate cuts
10baggerbamm : you do understand that individuals default on payments and loans all the time right a firm is a buy now pay later when the consumer gets tapped there's a saying you can't get water from a rock they default you know who suffers people that have loan them money. the firm's up because of Bank of America they put an upgrade on the company that's it