In my modest opinion anyone can give you a precise feedback about what you are asking, I could say is a stock overvalued that could be fall more today… it touch the sky till a week ago so expecting that keep rising is unrealistic… it’s even to chained to btc value so as btc fall it will go down with it… this the price of volatility, short it for now
73409967 : In my modest opinion anyone can give you a precise feedback about what you are asking, I could say is a stock overvalued that could be fall more today… it touch the sky till a week ago so expecting that keep rising is unrealistic… it’s even to chained to btc value so as btc fall it will go down with it… this the price of volatility, short it for now
73409967 : Tips do what the heart tips you so if it will go bad you can give fault to yourself only without anyone interfering your mind
102757353 OP 73409967 : Thanks!