102231079 : It will continue to fall. You can try to buy put in this position
102315683 OP 102231079 : This option is very expensive
102231079 102315683 OP : It's expensive, but it also makes a lot of money. The risk and profit of using options are directly proportional. If we're worried about losing money, then why should we operate in the capital market, right?
102315683 OP 102231079 : There are no strong funds
103872690 102315683 OP : The more volatile, the more expensive the options
102231079 102315683 OP : Options also don't require much capital; tens of thousands can be operated
102231079 103872690 : High volatility means higher profits
102231079 : It will continue to fall. You can try to buy put in this position
102315683 OP 102231079 : This option is very expensive![face_with_rolling_eyes 🙄](https://static.moomoo.com/nnq/emoji/static/image/img-apple-64/1f644.png)
102231079 102315683 OP : It's expensive, but it also makes a lot of money. The risk and profit of using options are directly proportional. If we're worried about losing money, then why should we operate in the capital market, right?
102315683 OP 102231079 : There are no strong funds![sweat 😓](https://static.moomoo.com/nnq/emoji/static/image/img-apple-64/1f613.png)
103872690 102315683 OP : The more volatile, the more expensive the options
102231079 102315683 OP : Options also don't require much capital; tens of thousands can be operated
102231079 103872690 : High volatility means higher profits