The Real Wojak
still mad it went below $1.50 last week Failed breakouts are the biggest tease. Fuck that shit I’m here for action not to “almost” make money
The Real Wojak
Because I’m not a long term investor I day trade. In and out quick gains. I’m trying to accumulate 1,000’s of percents each year by stacking 100’s of small 10-15-20% gains but I’m not consistently profitable yet. Still working on my strategies/discipline and risk management
DoucettPhilip : Have some patience, chart looks great just let it cook
比特币骗子勿扰 DoucettPhilip : 我也觉得它很难突破之前成交量放大的1.6附近,
The Real Wojak OP : still mad it went below $1.50 last week
Failed breakouts are the biggest tease. Fuck that shit I’m here for action not to “almost” make money
70952329 : Why not long term
The Real Wojak OP 70952329 : Because I’m not a long term investor I day trade. In and out quick gains. I’m trying to accumulate 1,000’s of percents each year by stacking 100’s of small 10-15-20% gains but I’m not consistently profitable yet. Still working on my strategies/discipline and risk management
ninja turtle The Real Wojak OP : 那里操作的股票不都是wash sale么?