102535686 : me
木子木又 OP 102535686 : I wish you the best of luck
102535686 木子木又 OP : i'm new here so don't know what to actually
102535686 : so do i sell now or hold??
木子木又 OP 102535686 : At what price did you buy
102535686 木子木又 OP : 4.6
102535686 105045093jack : same got no other choices
木子木又 OP 105045093jack : I prefer to buy at the highest position. Remember to look at the time next time. When it's close to the after-market, don't chase it anymore. After-market stocks are often counterbalanced to intraday
木子木又 OP : The miracle is here again
102535686 : me
木子木又 OP 102535686 : I wish you the best of luck
102535686 木子木又 OP : i'm new here so don't know what to actually
102535686 : so do i sell now or hold??
木子木又 OP 102535686 : At what price did you buy
102535686 木子木又 OP : 4.6
102535686 105045093jack : same got no other choices
木子木又 OP 105045093jack : I prefer to buy at the highest position. Remember to look at the time next time. When it's close to the after-market, don't chase it anymore. After-market stocks are often counterbalanced to intraday
木子木又 OP : The miracle is here again