103162808 : how to profit? i buy at 0.01 and cannot sell when the price 0.015
azizakmal OP 103162808 : the price is RM0.3 bro
103162808 azizakmal OP : i mean hongseng
azizakmal OP 103162808 : hahaha hongseng you need months to buy and months to sell and can even years
103162808 : how to profit? i buy at 0.01 and cannot sell when the price 0.015
azizakmal OP 103162808 : the price is RM0.3 bro
103162808 azizakmal OP : i mean hongseng
azizakmal OP 103162808 : hahaha hongseng you need months to buy and months to sell and can even years