BadPaint OP : LFG!
Tenang : why so many stock red today? big lost here
103914369 Tenang : How much did you lose?
BadPaint OP Tenang : ...maybe Market close on Monday, elite power trying to shake loose hands off to profit and get in lower.
YourBullishTrader BadPaint OP : Aside from the recent contract? What make this a potential company? Seeing that they nearly get delisted early Jan 2024? Genuinely curious haha
BadPaint OP : LFG!
Tenang : why so many stock red today? big lost here
103914369 Tenang : How much did you lose?
BadPaint OP Tenang : ...maybe Market close on Monday, elite power trying to shake loose hands off to profit and get in lower.
YourBullishTrader BadPaint OP : Aside from the recent contract? What make this a potential company? Seeing that they nearly get delisted early Jan 2024? Genuinely curious haha