there is no apple or orange. both are apples. meaning both tech firms. one just selling hosted NoSQL db for profit. the other selling all sorts of hosting including db, ai and much more. and both contribute to open source in their own capacity.
How are you going to fairly compare a 25B company with no AI play against a 520B company with so much AI hype going on? It is indeed apple and orange. The problem is that expectations for Oracle is sky high whereas people are not expecting much out of MongoDb. It is not necessarily the right thing but it is just what it is.
10baggerbamm : apples , oranges repeat after me
152270698 OP 10baggerbamm : there is no apple or orange. both are apples. meaning both tech firms. one just selling hosted NoSQL db for profit. the other selling all sorts of hosting including db, ai and much more. and both contribute to open source in their own capacity.
10baggerbamm 152270698 OP : I guess you bought the wrong one I don't know what to tell you they're two different companies.
152270698 OP 10baggerbamm : ohh they are two different companies... ah i didn't know that part. thanks
ProBagHodler : How are you going to fairly compare a 25B company with no AI play against a 520B company with so much AI hype going on? It is indeed apple and orange. The problem is that expectations for Oracle is sky high whereas people are not expecting much out of MongoDb. It is not necessarily the right thing but it is just what it is.