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Moomoo Carnival (for Singapore users) Ended

Now that the game has ended, here is my feedback on the game:
1) Although I understand the tasks are introduced for moomoo to achieve certain targets, as far as possible everyone should be given the same fresh slate for a game to be fair. Some people simply get more tasks available while those who had already completed the task prior to the game become disadvantaged. Case in point: 5 extra lives for crypto activation. This is an extremely new service. Why do those who were keen enough to activate their crypto accounts before the game started become unfairly penalised?
2) The cap of 10 points per game means the outcome is determined more by the number of lives than skill. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to catch up in points to those who have more lives. While the other extreme where only those who excel at gaming can win is undesirable, there needs to be a balance when the tasks to obtain lives are so restrictive. a) There should have been another tier for total deposit between 50K and 150K as the gap between the two is too wide. b) It was not clearly specified that total deposit is net deposit and withdrawals once the game started will count as negative deposits. I also question whether net deposit requirement is too strict given only lives are given as reward. c) The task to invite a user to play the game should have been introduced when the game first started and not in the middle of the game when many have already played.
3) The reward for top teams can be expanded to a larger number. With just top 5 teams rewarded, only teams comprised of those in the top 10 individual rankings have a chance.
4) The conditions of use for the stock cash coupons- which products/markets and what is the min threshold-should be indicated inside the TnC of the game like Moofest.
Moomoo Carnival (for Singapore users) Ended
Moomoo Carnival (for Singapore users) Ended
Moomoo Carnival (for Singapore users) Ended
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