-- 142.540 TSLA
-- 408.810 PLTR
-- 78.940 AAPL
-- 222.760 TEM
Tempus AI
-- 52.320 Click here for the selected investors' My Page >>: @PAN-US @かつを【株YouTuber】 @オレ的FX・株投資部 @とも米国株投資 @Go投資家プログラマー @ロジャーパパ @ピンハネ @Kimihiko @可夢偉 カムイ @オプション投資ラボ @トゥーナ @おねご @FANGソルジャー @J_M_RIN @ONON @tm_speedstyle371 @さとこじ @coco0217 @☆ラジエル★ @白りんご
灰度SG : Good
coco0217 : Thank you very much. I am as happy as can be to be chosen as a novice. As you say, "Investing is not lonely"️ When I was a rookie stock investor, it was incredibly lonely and tough. Since meeting many senior investors at MOOMOO Securities, studying stocks has been joyful and fun. I am still at a beginner level, but I will work hard to aim for success with Shigeji and Nancy together. Stocks are a business that can last a lifetime.
nanacota : Mea J
ウィルダネス coco0217 : Congratulations! Only those selected for the Icon PLC photo decoration will be chosen.
めいちゃんの羊 : 0.017 million represents.
181338057犬心久美子 : Thank you all.Please guide us in 2025 .
ポッポちゃん-1120 coco0217 : Wow! ^^*