Good morning, traders. Happy Friday, September 20th. The market pulled back this morning after the S&P 500 and Dow hit all-time record closes yesterday. Nine out of 11 sectors of the S&P 500 were falling, but energy stocks climbed: in the pursuit of AGI, Microsoft and OpenAI are planning to revive Three Mile Island.
74423696 : Thank you my god , thank you
10baggerbamm : I think this would be a much better picture than showing the ocean This is FedEx flight number 80 obviously it crashed and so is the stock
Kevin Travers OP 10baggerbamm : Didn’t that crash like 15 years ago, nice idea though
10baggerbamm Kevin Travers OP : yes it did and my package absolutely positively did not get there overnight.
103251788 :
Leedonna 74727725 10baggerbamm : Lol
LittleSoldier : Wilson omg
they killed Wilson!
lsk529 :

54088 FROM RWS : 3299
Alen Kok : ok
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