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Mpay Latest QR Summary

The important points are summarized as follows:

📊 Financial Performance for the Quarter Ended 30 June 2024
- Revenue: RM2,352,000, mainly from Fintech services.
- Operating Loss: RM5,667,000.
- Loss After Tax: RM5,015,000, mainly due to one-off adjustments totaling approximately RM4,715,000, including a rebate on interest for the money lending business, additional impairment of trade and other receivables, write-down in inventory value, impairment losses on intangible and tangible assets.
- Earnings per Share: Basic earnings per ordinary share was -0.53 sen.
💵 Financial Position as at 30 June 2024
- Total Assets: RM91,217,000, including non-current assets such as property, plant and equipment, investment in associate, and software development, and current assets like inventories, trade and other receivables, and cash and bank balances.
- Total Equity: RM69,561,000, attributable to equity holders of the company.
- Net Asset per Share: RM0.10.
💰 Cash Flow for the Quarter Ended 30 June 2024
- Net Operating Cash Flows: RM780,000.
- Net Investing Cash Flows: -RM3,845,000.
- Net Financing Cash Flows: RM6,786,000.
- Net Decrease in Cash and Cash Equivalents: -RM3,721,000.
- Cash and Cash Equivalents at the End of the Period: RM9,387,000.
🧾 Other Information
- Change in Financial Year End: The financial year end was changed from 31 December to 30 June, resulting in no comparative data for the quarter ended 30 June 2024.
- Segmental Information: The Group is organised into Fintech Services and Non - fintech services segments.
- Related Party Transactions: Rental expenses and short - term employee benefits were paid to key management personnel during the interim financial period.
- Prospects: The Group is optimistic about its performance in the coming financial year due to growth in the Fintech and Non - Fintech segments, obtaining a contract with a public transportation operator, and increasing demand for "software as a service".

⚠️ Conclusion
Since there is no previous data available for comparison due to the change in the financial year end, it is difficult to assess the trend of the company's performance. However, the company has mentioned one - off adjustments that have significantly impacted the current quarter's results. Additionally, the Group is optimistic about its prospects based on the growth in its segments and new contracts.
This sharing is for educational purposes. Please consult your professional financial advisor.
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