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.mqe notes on the nnq

LeonaC wrote a column · Nov 9, 2024 04:41
.mqe notes on the nnq
There is a scene in Extraordinary Attorney Woo Young Woo's Netflix series where she tells her friend that the friend is like "Spring Sunshine" because so helpful, and shows up fortunate times when autism spectrum attorney's attempt at basic task starts spinning. Those happy, good feelings are what I have for Moomoo Community NNQ.  I have been investing and learning and getting better at what I do for almost 20 years; I did not suddenly become bad at investing overnight.  Being able to explain theories around MoreGANN Stanley Smith Barney LLC bulldozing Intel Corporation's equity (thus bulldozing mine and many others' Intel equity, according to the math) helped immensely.  Understand root cause of bad situation?  Can fix.*
Records of due diligence (perhaps for tax purposes) cannot be valued enough, $Data Storage (DTST.US)$ scientists, take note.  
I learned my choice to delete Adverse ADware and not look back was 100 percent the right choice, as well as enjoyed validation regarding my gut feeling to stay off LinkedIn in any job-seeking scenarios involving an attempt to "corporation hop".  When they are paying themselves disgustingly to hate on you (woman, person of color, gender uncertain)  When they do not understand your language, they do not understand YOU, and this simple message at the core of every miscommunication, dropped packet, plea for a repeat?
I want you to understand some things
My niece and I got to at least the 3rd or 4th episode in the series before Netflix freaked out and shut down my ability to watch the series; my niece had kindly logged into her account on my $Roku Inc (ROKU.US)$, and added me as a household member to the account she pays for out of her own bank account.  I have been too poor.  My rez husband is a survivor of the Residential School system, he has many special needs like Woo Young Woo and difficulties and challenges in life.
And this mention of Netflix is intentional in a time I really want to say nice things about it, I just cannot say I own or want to own it today, like I did when I bought it 19 (yes, nineteen) years ago.
I thought DVDs were awesomely cool, contained far less mass than books, magazines, or newspapers
There's a lot I could unpack here, about this time for me both professionally and as an underrepresented gender and race in my industry -- the "Technology Industry" 2005, but that time is not here.  I wish Election Day would have  female President with <Asia_lang.mqe> and <Africa_lang.mqe> -- as she were the paper "U.S. President" we all deserve, and I'd tell you more about it.  
And I understand why election happened like that. The math is WAY BETTER now than it was in 2005: we can predict tornadoes to the street level in real time.  And the tornadoes are getting bigger, longer tracks, and more tornadoes are forming and touching down than ever before around bigger, more frequent hurricanes and tropical cyclones, wildfires and landslides, flooding and derecho.  The ability to "buy" one's way out of climate disasters is quickly impaired by how nice your insurance company is.  
My plans include writing Moomoo columns  throughout the winter time; with a product manager level of constructive critic + encouragement for more community-sourced improvements.
* simple and spectacular market concept: anybody can move their stock equity elsewhere! brokers that bulldoze pandemic volunteers deserve to lose business
578 words
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Professional Technical Writer w/Linux, Ruby on Rails, PCB, SoC, startups, payments & tax software experience.