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Mr. Ishiba of Japan said on a television program that he wants to run the strengthening of taxation on financial income.

In 2021, with Mr. Kishida's policy, there was a significant decline in stock market movements, which is still in memory.
Increasing and reviewing taxation on financial income is sensitive.

September 30, 2021
Consideration of increasing taxation on financial income raises concerns in the market and stock prices - Nikkei
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  • 阿弥陀如来 : By the way, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida also stated that he wanted to raise the tax rate on stock trading at the beginning of his tenure, making his lack of economic knowledge clear. Despite creating opportunities to support increasing his personal financial assets through reforms of the NISA system and shifting from cash deposits to active investments, he made remarks that dampened the momentum. Mr. Ishiba is also likely to be obedient to the Ministry of Finance. Is the Liberal Democratic Party a gathering of economically illiterate people other than Mr. Aoyama and Mr. Takai?

  • micky38 : I completely agree. They were talking about things like NISA tax and so on, which I don't understand at all. Maybe I'm more scared of insurance premiums than taxes. The stupid securities companies say that you should declare losses in the year they occur and the following year, which will reduce your taxes to some extent, but I'm more scared of insurance premiums. The higher your income and income level, the scarier it becomes.

  • エコさん : Mr. Ishiba, I'm surprised and disappointed.

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