Is the company that makes their own money. The company that is getting Major Bankers to sell Nvdia, for their shares. The company that their money, is growing all over the globe. MSTR out showing S&P, And others. If your trying to make money, this is the one to short, the one to sit on, the one that will make your money grow.
103809945 : short it then
NorthernTrader : go for it, you will end up hurting though because the stock will keep going up. Shorting it will just make you liable at the end for all those shares you need to return at a higher price + interest
BFSkinner : All the otc bitcoin is getting scooped up. There is no supply left, so theoretically price can continue up indefinitely
103809945 NorthernTrader : retail should be shorting, like these moomoo traders who think they can play against institutions and whales while we use them as exit liquidity