Nyc_FrosFbm : They might be pumping it after hours! Was just wondering same thing!
Broset311 : It needs to be at 11.11 just to make a dollar
Baloo424405 : maybe buyback, or maybe decide they are a scam after all, guess we will find out
72992803 : It closed at .1130 so it will be 1.01 at open tomorrow. AH means nothing for the split.
Nyc_FrosFbm : They might be pumping it after hours! Was just wondering same thing!
Broset311 : It needs to be at 11.11 just to make a dollar
Baloo424405 : maybe buyback, or maybe decide they are a scam after all, guess we will find out
72992803 : It closed at .1130 so it will be 1.01 at open tomorrow. AH means nothing for the split.