NewtonOj : And so has amc 100x and you see what short do they fuck with your emotions bro
Papabeargrunt78 : Shouldn’t that be illegal? I know I did not sell any of my shares yesterday!
♤方展博♤ OP : Well, I am quite sure that they are going to short-sell this down to USD1 again. Those holding odd number of shares less than 100 were forcefully sold at USD0.08.
domyorker : I don't get how so many shares traded....something funky is going on imo.
STD0825 domyorker : When a rs happens, shares Autherized never changes.....they just start dilution all over again
NewtonOj : And so has amc 100x and you see what short do they fuck with your emotions bro
Papabeargrunt78 : Shouldn’t that be illegal? I know I did not sell any of my shares yesterday!
♤方展博♤ OP : Well, I am quite sure that they are going to short-sell this down to USD1 again. Those holding odd number of shares less than 100 were forcefully sold at USD0.08.
domyorker : I don't get how so many shares traded....something funky is going on imo.
STD0825 domyorker : When a rs happens, shares Autherized never changes.....they just start dilution all over again