FANCY PANTS : I imagine they're pumping it up for a couple days. There are a bunch of FTDs coming due.They need the price higher before releasing those fresh 30M shares waiting for SEC approval to dilute.
71306807 OP FANCY PANTS : FTD's cancer traded between the big boys , so no impact there .NASDAQ jyst awarded complience , was forfiting the dilution the deal ??
FANCY PANTS 71306807 OP : No. NASDAQ is just dumb and let the scam continue. Dilution is still on the table, as always.
FANCY PANTS : I imagine they're pumping it up for a couple days. There are a bunch of FTDs coming due.
They need the price higher before releasing those fresh 30M shares waiting for SEC approval to dilute.
71306807 OP FANCY PANTS : FTD's cancer traded between the big boys , so no impact there .
NASDAQ jyst awarded complience , was forfiting the dilution the deal ??
FANCY PANTS 71306807 OP : No. NASDAQ is just dumb and let the scam continue. Dilution is still on the table, as always.