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A Few Little Sharing From Me

Hi To All Mooers, Happy Weekend
Today I want to share a little bit on my experience joining US Stock Paper Trading Competition. Well, before this I have join a lot of competition that I registered. I like to challenging myself and joining all competition about Trading that available. Before joining a competition or challenging yourself, Make sure ready to learn and gain as many as possible knowledge about Trading.
So for this week, I want sharing a little bit about how I can get a little profit from my capital starting $100K US Dollar.
A Few Tips From Me
1. First, when you joining a stock market or any other investment platform, you must learn and gain knowledge about stock market. In MOOMOO, It already have a platform that you can learn about Stock Market. For me, Moomoo has provided learning platform to us all about investment. You guys can checkout and learn from there.
2. Second, this is very important.. For trading, you guys must have a trading plan. You guys must set the resistance and support when to take a profit and when to cut loss. If you just want to invest for a long term, you guys must find a valuable company to invest and analysis the fundamental of that company.
3. Other than that, you guys must diversify your portfolio. Don't put your egg in one basket. This is very basic rules that you all guys must follow. Choose wisely which company that you want Invest in..
4. Stick to the plan and strategy that you guys already planning it. Do not rushing and keep cool with the market. But you guys must know the Profit and Lost you guys plan it which I have already told you at number (2)
A Few Little Sharing From Me
Here are my Total P/L, That I get from start the date of competition..
Here Some Noted For You Guys
While wisdom of John C. Bogle has it that "investing is a marathon, not a sprint", a fast-paced trading challenge compels participants to vie for the highest possible returns within tight time constraints. Apart from employing rigorous analyses to unearth promising opportunities, one could be leveraging on a tick trade supplementarily.. which means you buy plenty of one particular stock, and sell out after making one tick (ie. 0.5sen or 1sen)…. can be any stock, but works best with micro-penny stocks (especially with high liquidity)... for instance, buying at 5sen and selling at 5.5sen. 0.5sen is very minuscule.. but it is actually a 10% gain. The effect is amplified even further with very active trading. But do know that is is highly risky as well. Fantastic, if/when it goes up. It can also go down...
Most importantly, while playing the game may be fun and winning some money rewarding, please make sure your other life are not compromised in your pursuit of the prizes. 😊
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