I've not been very active in Cash Plus since I've been busy getting my hands dirty learning how to trade. As such, i do not have a lot of spare cash. Also, I do not keep my cash here. But on and off, I do try to take advantage of the coupons and get exposure to it. I find the process easy, but I do find the reporting on daily returns is not very clear. I hope this can be improved to give us more clarity and transparency.
liquidgold : The amount is set by you or system proposed? How about the subscription and cancellation - auto or manually done by you?
Matrix 404 : 79 yearly, around 3.6132%
based on 20 days, maybe u get 4.79% as advertised when u hold long term?
(R-long)103834298 : bro how to cash to my account that money??
CNNT OP liquidgold : By the system after you 'activate'. Automatically subscribe and redeem.
CNNT OP Matrix 404 : Not sure about the details coz I don't really hold a lot of cash. But I need to find out too.
CNNT OP (R-long)103834298 : The system will do it for you after you activate.
Hin093 : cmiiw, smart saves basically is a system that puts your idle cash into money market funds right? wouldnt there be some charges incurred?
103395270 : hello buddy ,s
CNNT OP Hin093 : As far as I understood it, no, there are no fees.