104802931 : How many dollars to park money?
Papa Bear Raswan OP 104802931 : Any amount but to see some returns try to put in at least 100myr
104802931 Papa Bear Raswan OP : thank you
105235385 : Return for Eastspring reflected daily or monthly sir?
Papa Bear Raswan OP 105235385 : Looks like once every 2 days
Baan : mcm mne nk redeem?
Papa Bear Raswan OP Baan : There is a 'Redeem' button when entering the Fund section. Below it.
Baan Papa Bear Raswan OP : mcm mne nk tau ipo yg listed tu sharia or non sharia..mane nk dpt info?
Papa Bear Raswan OP Baan : In the prospectus. If it is Shariah compliant, it will be stated in there. Applicable to Malaysian ipo only ya
105137423 : Hi, i’m still new here. Is that the total amount from the day you started cash in or daily return?
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104802931 : How many dollars to park money?
Papa Bear Raswan OP 104802931 : Any amount but to see some returns try to put in at least 100myr
104802931 Papa Bear Raswan OP : thank you
105235385 : Return for Eastspring reflected daily or monthly sir?
Papa Bear Raswan OP 105235385 : Looks like once every 2 days
Baan : mcm mne nk redeem?
Papa Bear Raswan OP Baan : There is a 'Redeem' button when entering the Fund section. Below it.
Baan Papa Bear Raswan OP : mcm mne nk tau ipo yg listed tu sharia or non sharia..mane nk dpt info?
Papa Bear Raswan OP Baan : In the prospectus. If it is Shariah compliant, it will be stated in there. Applicable to Malaysian ipo only ya
105137423 : Hi, i’m still new here. Is that the total amount from the day you started cash in or daily return?
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