Stock_Drift : It’s not allowed north of the Mason Dixon line. Same with sugar in tea and Waffle Houses.
Stock_Drift : And I’m just kidding around.
MARKET-TEST-DUMMY OP Stock_Drift : Damn, that stings a little.
MARKET-TEST-DUMMY OP Stock_Drift : Absolutely! Enjoy it!
Stock_Drift MARKET-TEST-DUMMY OP : Just fun banter, I love the south, except Georgia.
MARKET-TEST-DUMMY OP Stock_Drift : Mmmmm, peaches!
Stock_Drift : It’s not allowed north of the Mason Dixon line. Same with sugar in tea and Waffle Houses.

Stock_Drift : And I’m just kidding around.
MARKET-TEST-DUMMY OP Stock_Drift : Damn, that stings a little.
MARKET-TEST-DUMMY OP Stock_Drift : Absolutely! Enjoy it!
Stock_Drift MARKET-TEST-DUMMY OP : Just fun banter, I love the south, except Georgia.
MARKET-TEST-DUMMY OP Stock_Drift : Mmmmm, peaches!