I didn't invest in other funds because it's more profitable to invest in stocks and ETF if you know what you're doing. Nonetheless investing in funds will diversify your portfolio. But do select based on your risk appetite as some funds are volatile and may take more than a year to earn returns.
The main surprise is the strong USD and Fed decided to pause rate earlier than expected. There were small market rallies when Fed hinted at a rate cut next year. And there may be more surprises next year - recession, economy slowdown, geopolitical tension, oil price surge etc. Hence dyodd when investing in high return funds (also high risk) and always ensure you have sufficient emergency cash.
101708689 : Did you pass the knowledge assessment test
ZnWC OP 101708689 : What knowledge assessment test?
101708689 ZnWC OP : The one they asked to do when you subscribe
ZnWC OP 101708689 : Yes a long time ago. I almost forgot.
101708689 : Did you actually take any of the tests?
ZnWC OP 101708689 : I can't remember clearly. I think so.