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My long-term investment plan

As a memorandum
We look forward to your opinions, criticism, and encouragement 🙇
1. Investment Pillars
We will accumulate 300,000 yen every month from Reiwa 6/2 until the NISA quota of 18 million yen is filled, and we will continue to reserve as much as possible even after reaching the target amount
2. Main investment products
(1) .Nissei NASDAQ100
(2) .SBI-iShares TOPIX
3. Main Investment Policies (monthly)
(1). Reserve NISA
TOPIX 100,000 yen
(2). Growth Investment Framework
NASDAQ100 200,000 yen
4. Secondary investment products
(1). Purchase timing
Spot purchases with a specific account when receiving temporary income such as bonuses
(2). Foreign Currency ETF
(). United States Long-Term Government Bonds
Vanguard Ultra Long Term US Bond ETF EDV
Purchase target 4 million yen
() .healthcare sector
Healthcare Select Sector SPDR Fund XLV
Purchase target 2 million yen
() .Daily necessities sector
Daily necessities select sector SPDR fund XLP
Purchase target 2 million yen
5. Current assets
(1). Old Reserve NISA
Holds approximately 2.5 million yen worth of S&P 500, etc., and is scheduled to be sold 20 years after the start of accumulation
(2) .gold
I own 1000g, but I sell it as needed and invest in the main product
(3) .Cryptocurrency
We currently hold approximately 6 million yen worth of approximately 30 coin brands that are expected to have future potential, and after the value has increased by 5 times or more, we exchange 300,000 yen worth every month to continue investing in the above investment targets
6. Reasons for choosing investment targets
(1) .TOPIX Index Investment Trust
By avoiding foreign taxes and exchange risk and investing in the Tokyo Stock Exchange as a whole, stable index investment that excludes arbitrary human judgment is possible, making it ideal as a long-term investment target
Furthermore, in the stock index, the correlation with NASDAQ100 price movements is relatively low, so I thought it would be compatible
Note that the reason Nikkei 225 was excluded is that it is not a market capitalization weighted average, and stock swaps based on human judgment are carried out regularly
(2). NASDAQ100 Index Investment Trust
The importance of the technology sector will only increase in the world going forward, and I thought further significant growth would be expected
Also, the NASDAQ100 stock selection criteria are clear, and it can be evaluated that there is no room for human arbitrary judgment to intervene
Furthermore, returns over the past few decades are a rare indicator that surpasses the S&P 500, and I put the possibility that this will continue to be the case in the future
Note that the reason for excluding the S&P 500 is that price movements are correlated with NASDAQ, and past performance is inferior to NASDAQ 100
(3) .Healthcare and daily necessities sector ETF
Since returns in the healthcare and daily necessities sector are almost stable regardless of economic trends, they are effective as risk hedging
(4). American Ultra Long Term Government Bond ETF
The return on long-term government bonds is relatively low but stable, and since it is inversely correlated with price movements in the stock market, it is ideal as a risk hedge against main investments
(5) .gold
It is a traditional safe asset, and the price continues to rise regardless of the rise in stock prices, and the value continues to improve
(6) .virtual currency
It seems that the value of virtual currency will improve in the future, but we will pay close attention to the future potential and market trends of each coin, set loss cuts and profit determination lines, perform management that is not carried away by emotions, and proceed with conversion to other investment targets by exchanging money in a timely and appropriate manner while considering the tax system
(7). Securing cash
Always secure a fixed amount of cash to prepare for unforeseen situations and obvious perfect places to shop
7. Investment attitude
(1). Utilize past successful experiences
As a bad investor, keep in mind that the only thing I have barely achieved success with is long-term investment with a fixed amount reserve
(2). Acquire and update correct knowledge through books, etc.
Always read books about investments, notice mistakes in your plans and points that need to be changed, and continue to invest correctly while updating your financial literacy in order to build an optimal portfolio
(3). Elimination of emotional investment
Implement fixed savings regardless of market trends, and eliminate elements where emotions work as much as possible
(4). Elimination of timing investments
It is true that even professionals lose to index indicators when it comes to long-term investments, let alone that I, as an amateur, try to set the timing is the height of foolishness
8. Inheritance to children
Since lifetime gifts of up to 1.1 million yen per year are tax-free, an 18-year-old child is gifted 1.1 million yen per year to that child's securities account, and financial literacy is taught through long-term diversified investment through index investment trusts, and awareness about investment is established
Thus, it is possible to leave large assets to children while completely avoiding tax burdens, which is actually reasonable
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