When the stock was at 300+, I short sold this stock, but lost a lot, and kept adding more to the losses. It made me sad for many days. Now I dare not short sell anymore. Short selling is difficult to find a stop loss position, and it is easy to add more. As a result, I lost a lot in a short period of time.
大学牲希望明年上岸 : ...You guys are really fierce.
ekimccc : Lesson I have learnt, go with the flow not against.
源33 : When the stock was at 300+, I short sold this stock, but lost a lot, and kept adding more to the losses. It made me sad for many days. Now I dare not short sell anymore. Short selling is difficult to find a stop loss position, and it is easy to add more. As a result, I lost a lot in a short period of time.
1420 :
Win more Lost less : I believe this trade is gone case, roll over to alleviate the pain
Win more Lost less 源33 : The lesson is, don’t ever against the trend
dogsofgods : The numbers are green, I see nothing wrong ser