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My thoughts.....

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  • FANCY PANTS : Don't stop; you're so close to coming to the final realization...

  • ItIstheTimeNow OP FANCY PANTS : Knew you would have something smart to say lol

  • FANCY PANTS ItIstheTimeNow OP : There's a few holes in your reasoning. If I have time later I'll write up a little something.

  • FANCY PANTS : Alright, it's lunchtime. Let's break this down.

    1) Claim: "They have no more vehicles to entice the public with"
    Response: Assuming you mean inventory, because Randy Marion "sold out", last Wednesday on Stocktwits there was a user posting new pictures from the Mullen parking lot full of vans. I'd post them here, but don't care enough to scroll back far enough to fins them.

    2) Claim: "no more need for space/land to
    Response: Kinda of true. Circling back to our last discussion, if they're outsourcing their assembly to the GM facility in their backyard and purchased Romeo Power do make batteries in California, then they don't need to purchase more facilities.

    3) Claim:  "no need for
    more battery technology (unless feedback
    from the market dictates differently)"
    Response: Just a reminder that Lawrence Hardge's battery is a sham. He has absolutely no prior experience in anything related to batteries and he sure as heck isn't going to be the person to revolutionize it in ways that not even the Big Boy auto makers can't figure out. His only actual invention was a kind of fire extinguisher.

    Which is probably why they aquired Romeo, but that's not great because they have a track record of their batteries starting on fire in Nikolas.

  • FANCY PANTS FANCY PANTS : 4) Claim: "no need for toxic lending"
    Response: Mullen has admitted themselves that they only have enough cash to last through July 2024. If they actually intend to ramp up production, that costs money they don't have, and their projected sales (which continue to go lower every time David has an interview) aren't enough to make up the loss. By the time they pay for the bodies to be imported, the batteries to be produced/shipped, GM facility for assembly, etc. They're making very little profit. Which means either more toxic financers or share offerings for the demise of investors.

    5) Claim: "no need for updates through social media."
    Response: But this is David's favorite way to pump the stock. Right when investor sentiment starts to decline, he posts some lame PR to give them hope.

    I can keep going, but I'm getting bored and have better things to do. I'd attach sources for all this, but again- better things to do with my time. The resources are out there if you wanna look.

  • ItIstheTimeNow OP : thanks for the good reply.

    1 - I meant new vehicle release(s)
    2 - agreed
    3 - I don't care about LH, and this has nothing to do with him. They used him to compare what they had vs. what he had, he wouldn't sign over controlling interest in his technology, so they moved on and bought Romeo and got more bang for their buck. I know what you are talking about with the fires, and that was not proven it was the actual battery technology and not just the compatibility with their build out. All the battery stuff moving forward will be based on what they get in Govt help (that's why they just got the new lease) and how much they want to expand on that.  I.E. spinoff.

  • ItIstheTimeNow OP FANCY PANTS : 4 - No need for "TOXIC" lending but they will need some sort of funding to ramp up outside of govt help.
    5 - That's the point. Stop posting on social media and release 8-k's when you want to talk to shareholders so it stops fluctuating so much.

    I have read yours and many many many more but still does not change my mind on what they need to do.

  • FANCY PANTS ItIstheTimeNow OP : A fair response. Good luck with your ventures.

    Like you, I also don't intend to change my perspective of the company, which will ultimately lead to bankruptcy, in my opinion.

  • ItIstheTimeNow OP FANCY PANTS : We shall see. I see less than a 10% chance of bankruptcy. I see David being dismissed and paid his poison pill before bankruptcy.

I don't know what I am talking about