My Weekly Dollar Cost Averaging Journey in Funds (18/8/2024) - Thank God for strong recovery…
Initiation Date: October 2021
Strategy: Daily DCA $100/ day (exclude weekend), invest only in fund with proven annualized return of 5-6% pa, no commodities, gold, banks & properties, daily DCA on laggard first, then leaders and repeat the cycle, min: 23 funds, max: 30 funds.
Could you share abit more about how and why you decided on this strategy? i.e. daily buy ins instead of monthly, how long have you been executing the dca, is there an exit plan. Looking to learn.
he has overdiversified hes been stuck at 12-15k range for months now, he shld just focus on tech and finance which are the leading funds
102246337 : Is it no admin charges when you buy this way ?
SuperNoobPaPa OP 102246337 : Hi, yes. There is no admin charge to purchase fund. This is a good thing of buying funds in MooMoo.
等风来吧 : Could you share abit more about how and why you decided on this strategy? i.e. daily buy ins instead of monthly, how long have you been executing the dca, is there an exit plan. Looking to learn.
Davidzed 等风来吧 : he has overdiversified hes been stuck at 12-15k range for months now, he shld just focus on tech and finance which are the leading funds
Davidzed : i like ur ideas but can i ask why do u choose funds over long term snp 500 leveraged or the normal one