无敌的我 : What percentage does the limit up refer to?
103660969 : Any good news for this counter? Why suddenly pump
NewKidOnTheBlock OP 无敌的我 : +30%
NewKidOnTheBlock OP 103660969 : Nisse
无敌的我 NewKidOnTheBlock OP : good
104866871 无敌的我 : You're getting on the bus now.
无敌的我 104866871 : 已经在车上了
JustDoIt : l think you’re too positive bro
NewKidOnTheBlock OP JustDoIt : guess only :)
DAN9282 NewKidOnTheBlock OP : 一块以下不是0.30吗?
无敌的我 : What percentage does the limit up refer to?
103660969 : Any good news for this counter? Why suddenly pump
NewKidOnTheBlock OP 无敌的我 : +30%
NewKidOnTheBlock OP 103660969 : Nisse
无敌的我 NewKidOnTheBlock OP : good
104866871 无敌的我 : You're getting on the bus now.
无敌的我 104866871 : 已经在车上了
JustDoIt : l think you’re too positive bro
NewKidOnTheBlock OP JustDoIt : guess only :)
DAN9282 NewKidOnTheBlock OP : 一块以下不是0.30吗?