Rhiox : Because Nuclear Energy is on the rise and this is one of the best Nuclear stocks for the price right now.
naz_k OP Rhiox : I still think this rise happened because of the last news rather than nuclear demand
Rhiox naz_k OP : I see that news now. I haven't checked the news lately. So you're probably right then now that I see that about the new leadership.
AssetEagle : When in play, any shit will go up. Just do not be greedy and be last one holding all the shit.
IM TRADER : Indeed, this seems more like a narrative-driven increase, I think what is more reliable is $NuScale Power (SMR.US)$
Rhiox : Because Nuclear Energy is on the rise and this is one of the best Nuclear stocks for the price right now.
naz_k OP Rhiox : I still think this rise happened because of the last news rather than nuclear demand
Rhiox naz_k OP : I see that news now. I haven't checked the news lately. So you're probably right then now that I see that about the new leadership.
AssetEagle : When in play, any shit will go up. Just do not be greedy and be last one holding all the shit.
IM TRADER : Indeed, this seems more like a narrative-driven increase, I think what is more reliable is $NuScale Power (SMR.US)$