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TSM Q3 earnings: Will the price reach a new high?
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$Nasdaq Composite Index (.IXIC.US)$ China war games, Taiwan ...

$Nasdaq Composite Index (.IXIC.US)$ China war games, Taiwan surrounded. potential implications to the stock market.
I'm listening to the news right now and China had another drill outside of Taiwan. and I'm listening to a former general. so you're talking about a guy who spent a life in the military who understands strategy tactical moves offensive planning he's in a different League than a Wall Street analyst he understands the game of chess when it comes to war and strategizing.
China surrounded Taiwan on six sides this weekend. and what this military strategist is saying is he's anticipating a blockade or a full quarantine of Taiwan. (this has significant and severe implications on the chip industry just so that everybody knows and I'm sure you do but you need to plan your investments accordingly)
he went on to say that taiwan's government is warning All foreign visitors and its citizens that they expect a full quarantine within 6 months.
you have to understand that China is planning on Harris winning they want her to win and the reason is she is very weak and if you go back to senile Biden last year he said that Taiwan is our Ally meaning the US and we will defend whatever Taiwan wants so if China attacks we support Taiwan well guess what people that's called a world war if you haven't figured that one out you know what everybody said Trump's going to get us into..
earlier this year senile Biden read from a teleprompter that we will not back Taiwan we being the United States military in the event of an incursion by China.
what this means in a nutshell ( as Austin Powers said help I'm in a nutshell) China wants Harris to win China does not want Trump winning. if Trump wins you can bet your ass one of his first phone calls is going to be to Xi. and it's going to be a very strategic phone call that's going to dictate terms and conditions to China that very simply you will not invade Taiwan or we will put sanctions on every good that your country manufacturers of a thousand percent you will not sell anything in the United States will buy from other countries even at a higher price but you will never sell anything to the United States. I think that's probably pretty close to what he's going to say and we will never going to know and he's not going to report to the public to the media the conversation but it's going to be a very Stern direct warning look you want to prosper as a nation you're going to do this because the implications if you take Taiwan are going to cripple your country financially.
getting back to TSM everybody knows what they do and everybody knows who they make chips for from Nvidia all the way down the line it would represent a significant sell-off in chip stocks I mean a dramatic sell-off back to levels I think of what we saw in July and August of this year you got 30 to 40% drop I think would be very realistic if this happens with China to Taiwan which means if Harris wins you need to buy deep out of the money puts as a hedge!
Additionally and I want to put a caveat on this, it would not only be the chip stocks that take a hit I think you would see massive liquidations from us investors from the Chinese stock market if nothing less than an act of patriotism I think money would migrate very quickly away from China stocks and I think you would see a retest of the recent Lowe's of last month very quickly.
and then there would be a broad-based sell-off within the NASDAQ and within the Dow because all companies would be affected by default they are part of the stock market and not only the inventory of chips and technology companies but if Trump imposes severe sanctions on China and this is putting the car in front of the horse companies like Walmart Amazon Target all the way down the line whose store shelves online and brick and mortar are filled with everything made from China.. if there is a 30 to 40% increase in prices people are not going to buy, and this type of a spike would derail the feds plans of additional rate cuts, because this would trigger a significant spike in inflation on the short term. so the big picture is China wants Harris to win if Harris wins China's going to take over Taiwan one way or another the US is going to sit idly by and do nothing. it's very important to understand that the election is going to determine the response of China in my opinion. you better plan to protect your portfolio depending upon who wins because one way or another there will be significant implications and big sell-offs.
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  • 105446847rich : Farting will not be affected; the US stock market opened sharply up 200 points; take a look at nvdia soaring.

  • Prince Nvidia : nice try 🤣

  • 10baggerbamm OP Prince Nvidia : why don't you elaborate on what you think I said is not right and what you think the outcome would be based off of your viewpoint because nice try means nothing to me

  • 72571364 10baggerbamm OP : get that love story outta here. if you scared go invest into a index fund

  • 10baggerbamm OP 72571364 : so what you're saying regardless of who wins the election stocks will not sell off number one number two China taking over Taiwan will have zero implications no negative side effects on inventory shipments to the entire chip industry number one and number two Trump will not make a phone call to xi on day one if he wins you don't believe that's going to happen
    . so everything with you is Rose colored glasses that's an effect what you're saying it doesn't matter because Nvidia will only trade higher and microstrategy which is trading it over 300 percent higher than the acid a Bitcoin that it owns right now are only going to trade higher keeping in mind a microstrategy stock was 112 a month ago and now it's over 200 it will never sell off right? so it doesn't matter if Harris wins because Bitcoin will only trade up it will only go to $100,000 if Harris wins.
    that is everything in a nutshell with what you would agree with based off of your response that being risk averse to investing does not make any sense just put your balls on the chopping block be the buy aggressive investments possible.. because there's no political economic outcomes that will impact the direction of the underlying stocks okay I know nothing in 36 years you know everything

  • Wall Street Raider : If China ever goes to war with Taiwan, it would be the start of the end of the world. BUT i believe it will NEVER happen in our lifetime. Why? Theres too much at stake on all sides & nobody wans to be the loser.

  • 10baggerbamm OP Wall Street Raider : the question then you need to ask is if you don't believe when China says that they are going to take over Taiwan why are they doing this? the us earlier was an ally of Taiwan and would support them militarily and senile Biden said that last year this year he walked that statement back I should say he read the teleprompter that the US would not support Taiwan in the event of a Chinese intervention takeover pick a name.
    if China is not going to do what they said they are going to do why have all these war games why surround Taiwan this past weekend like they did?
    what purpose does it show it's not as if they're saying that Taiwan look you're going to negotiate with us we are either going to take over your country and it will become part of China or this is the alternative we're going to take over 51% of all your businesses and industry

  • JaiWyckoff : Keep buying

36 yrs in the trenches, raised 100mil for start ups, syndicate ipo's, yrs on trading desk mkt maker. R/Everythingstocks
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