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$Nasdaq Composite Index (.IXIC.US)$ for those who don't thin...

$Nasdaq Composite Index (.IXIC.US)$ for those who don't think that Harris's 45% capital gains tax could possibly pass Canada is at 50%.
"Capital gains tax must be paid in Canada after a property is sold. 50% of what you made selling the property will be added to your annual income amount and will be taxed."
what this means is if you bought a house you are prudent you saved your money you paid your mortgage maybe accelerated your mortgage payment when money was available. paid off your house in 20 years let's say as opposed to 30 you're being financially responsible. you live below your means you buy a used car rather than a new car you don't keep up with the Joneses. now it comes time for you to retire and you're an empty nester your kids are grown the house is too large you want to downsize.
let's suppose you bought your house for $300,000 and let's suppose now it's worth $600,000.
if you sell it today there's no taxes to pay on it you keep that $300,000 difference buy another property.
under communist comrade  Harris, you're going to owe 45% of your $300,000
so get your checkbook out and write them a check for $135,000.
I don't care if you like Harris, do you like keeping your money more than you like her?
you're the one that gets your ass out everyday goes to work pays your bills. you're not flying around in a private jet, having your insurance paid for having your food, your vacations everything paid for so you don't have to worry in the world. the progressive communist lefts agenda is global governance. to get this level where you have the fraction of the 1% and everybody else is poor they need to break the back of the middle class.
and they're doing it they're telling you what they're going to do but they point the finger at Trump and say he's Hitler he's evil guy but they're the ones stealing your money that you earned that you work for so they can live their lifestyles while claiming that they're one of you they're the working class cuz they grew up poor.
so you make damn sure when it comes election day you remember who pays your mortgage puts the food on your table, who pays your bills. do you want more in your bank account after you sell your house or do you want to write a check to this Communist Marxist Progressive party.
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