and that was a pump and dump that you never get in unless you are early and when they halt it down get out. The halt down is to help you get out well the pumpers are dumping massive shares
Following the introduction of China's groundbreaking DeepSeek technology, Wall Street giants have revised their investment outlooks for the Chinese market.
70981574 : Nope. Thats the danger of halts/CB`s. The entire point of a halt/CB is to cool off investor fear or confusion.
This_Guy : check the spread on the chart page or setup a sell limit and check the price it will move will the halt is on
This_Guy : and that was a pump and dump that you never get in unless you are early and when they halt it down get out. The halt down is to help you get out well the pumpers are dumping massive shares
g123 This_Guy : which trading platform allows us to trade when it halts. bc ibkrbis now executing any orders
This_Guy g123 : you can set you limit orders so when it comes off the halt it executes. it won't execute while halted.
g123 This_Guy : but we see some price changes while halted. How do those trades happen?
This_Guy g123 : it's not trades it's people setting limit orders, it moves the price
g123 This_Guy : oh, is it? Now I got it it .. Thanks